CityTour Toulouse - Sightseeing Tour

CityTour Toulouse - Sightseeing Tour

The CityTour Toulouse is an open-topped minibus which will reveal to you the most famous attractions and historic monuments of the “Ville Rose” in a 65-minute tour available in 8 languages.

Duration : 1 h 05

  • Visit the most famous attractions of Toulouse
  • Enjoy Toulouse in an open-topped minibus
  • Listen to stories and anecdotes with an audio-guide

On the programme

Enjoy an original sightseeing tour in Toulouse!

The coach company Toulouse Welcome offers you a new way to discover the city: CityTour Toulouse, an open-topped minibus that reveals to you the most famous attractions and historic monuments of the “Ville Rose” Toulouse.

During the trip the minibus will take you through the old town, you'll see the main churches of the city (Cathedral of Saint Etienne and Basilica of Saint Sernin) and also gorgeous private hotels such as Hotel Renaissance d'Assezat. The minibus also goes by the Garonne and the Canal du Midi, a link between the Atlantic ocean and the Mediteranean sea.

Enjoy this 65-minutes minibus tour from your comfortable seat, listening to stories and anecdotes about the city, its history and its people with an audio-guide in 8 languages (French, English, Spanish, Italian, German, Russian, Chinese and Japanese).

Tourists as well as locals will be able to admire the town’s heritage from a ‘higher plane’ and re-discover the unique view that the city and its typical pink stones have to offer to their eyes.

Good to know

Included in the offer

audioguide in 8 languages

Other info
  • Le nombre de place dans le bus est limité, prévoyez d'arriver 15 minutes à l'avance
  • Si le tour est déjà plein, vous pourrez prendre le suivant.
Spoken languages German, English, Spanish, French, Italian
Starting from 16

Activity location


CityTour Toulouse

2 Rue du Poids de l'Huile, 31000 Toulouse, France

Meeting point

2 Rue du Poids de l'Huile close to Donjon of Capitole


underground car park Parking Indigo Jean-Jaurès

Activity provider : Toulouse Welcome - CityTour

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Commenté le 02/11/2023

Le guide était très bien et nous avons vu les principaux lieux à ne pas rater.


Super tour de la ville!!

Commenté le 11/10/2022

La réservation en ligne est facile, les prix sont corrects et le tour de la ville est top! Je le conseille vivement!!


Nice ????????

Commenté le 16/06/2022

Je recommande !

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