À propos Bonjour.fun



Who are we ? 

Bonjour.fun helps you have a great day.

This online activity sales platform, created by Alsatians, connects activity enthusiasts with service providers in our beautiful country. With every click on www.bonjour.fun, a new page of adventure and success is written, uniting lovers of discovery with the craftsmen of experience.

Welcome to our borderless world, where saying ‘hello’ means embracing an unforgettable experience.

Why Bonjour.fun ?

Bonjour because...

‘Bonjour is the greeting most commonly used in French when you meet or bump into someone you know, or someone you don't know at a presentation, from morning until the end of the day. As an interjection, bonjour means ‘have a nice day’.

Fun because...

Combined with ‘fun’, our name becomes a manifesto for a joyful and memorable adventure, a constant reminder that life is richer when shared with those we love. So www.bonjour.fun is much more than a platform, it's an invitation to turn every ‘hello’ into a fun and unforgettable experience with your loved ones.

In brief

2 600

activities available on our website


partner companies