Tasting of 5 wines from Domaine Edouard Faller

Tasting of 5 wines from Domaine Edouard Faller

Commented tasting of 5 Alsace wines from the Domaine Edouard Faller of Sélestat accompanied by a tarte flambée in our cellar located in front of the humanist library of Sélestat.

Duration : 1 h

  • Warm setting in the heart of the historic center of Sélestat
  • Wines of the domain
  • Complimentary Tarte Flambée
  • Commented tasting

On the programme

Commented tasting of 5 wines from the Domaine Edourd Faller of Sélestat accompanied by a tarte flambée.

10 euros discount for the purchase of a case of wine of at least 6 bottles

Good to know

Included in the offer

Tasting of 5 wines accompanied by a tarte flambée

Important information

To participate in the tasting, you must be of age

Spoken language English
Starting from 10

Tickets sold out.

Please try again in a few days.

Activity location


Norbert Zurbach

47 Rue des Chevaliers, Sélestat, France

Activity provider : Vins Edouard Faller

Official website

Partner of local tourist offices

Best Prices

Free of charge and surcharge

Activities tested

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