SCHERWILLER #7 - Workshop Tournée des Terroirs - Scherwiller the Riesling High Place

SCHERWILLER #7 - Workshop Tournée des Terroirs - Scherwiller the Riesling High Place

Light, early-ripening alluvial soil, ideal for ripening Riesling. This Scherwiller appellation, officialized on October 28, 2011, reveals its secrets.

Duration : 0 h 45

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On the programme

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Good to know

Included in the offer

Light, early-ripening alluvial soil, ideal for ripening Riesling. This Scherwiller appellation, officialized on October 28, 2011, reveals its secrets.

Other info

No refunds or reductions will be made on site.

Spoken languages English, French
Starting from 10

Tickets sold out.

Please try again in a few days.

Activity location


Taennelkreuz chapel

Chapelle du Taennelkreuz, Scherwiller, France

Meeting point

67750 Scherwiller - Coordonnates google maps :


Free parking spaces on site.

Official website

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Best Prices

Free of charge and surcharge

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