Rent a 40hp boat without a boat license in Salerno, Barrella Rent

Rent a 40hp boat without a boat license in Salerno, Barrella Rent

Boat rental in Salerno without a boat license.

Our well-kept boats are welcoming and suitable for your exclusive day trips with friends

Duration : 8 h

  • Rent without a boat license
  • rent boats in salerno
  • rental without driver
  • Rent boats on the Amalfi coast

On the programme

We would also like to remind you that it is; It is possible to rent it with, or without, the presence of a driver.


  • FROM 09:00 TO 17:00 (8 HOURS);
  • FROM 10:00 AM TO 6:00 PM (8 HOURS);
Boat Rental Technical Features:
  • Length: 5.70 metres;
  • Engineised: Selva/Yamaha 40/60 HP;
  • Maximum Passenger Capacity: 05/06;

Daily pressures:

  • from Monday to Fridays: 140€

  • from Saturday to Sunday: 160€

Good to know

Included in the offer
  • 40hp boat
  • Stereo
  • Shower
  • Icebox
Not included in the offer
  • Fuel
  • Possible port and buoy costs
To take with you
  • Valid identification documents
Other info


  • Full refund up to 20 days before departure
  • 70% refund up to 10 days before departure.
  • 100% refund or date change in case of adverse weather conditions.
Important information
  • Age minimum 18 years old
Spoken languages French, English, Italian
Starting from 144

Activity location


Pontile Gatto

Amalfi Coast Tours, Via Sottopiazza Libertà, Salerno, SA, Italia

Meeting point

After booking, contact the number +393314812897 via whatsapp to agree on the meeting point.


On the street with Ticket or guarded and covered under Piazza della Libertà.


Piazza della Libertà, Salerno

Activity provider :

Official website

Partner of local tourist offices

Best Prices

Free of charge and surcharge

Activities tested

By our advisors


100% secured - 3DS2