Sea Water scooter

Sea Water scooter

Next Blue Tech thus addresses to beginners as connoisseurs, from 5 at 85 years, to whom it promises a maritime adventure with confidence, an enchanted way to reconnect with nature. Escape the overcrowded beaches and daily stress, share magic moments with family or friends !

  • From 5 to 85 years
  • Reconnect with nature
  • Escape the overcrowded beaches and daily stress

On the programme

Next Blue Tech thus addresses to beginners as connoisseurs, from 5 at 85 years, to whom it promises a maritime adventure with confidence, an enchanted way to reconnect with nature. Escape the overcrowded beaches and daily stress, share magic moments with family or friends !

Good to know

Included in the offer


To take with you
  • Chapeau ou casquette
  • Bouteille d'eau
  • Crème solaire
Spoken languages English, French
Starting from
-17% 25
PVC : 30€

Tickets sold out.

Please try again in a few days.

Activity location



Paddle and Fun, Sainte-Maxime, France

Meeting point

Plage de la Garonnette, next to the 44 Plage restaurant


parking space along the beach


bus stop (23) 600 meters away

Activity provider : PADDLE AND FUN

Official website

Partner of local tourist offices

Best Prices

Free of charge and surcharge

Activities tested

By our advisors


100% secured - 3DS2