Scuba turbo rental

Scuba turbo rental

In this intimate, calm and preserved setting, Sardinaux Evasion invites you to conquer the seabed and adventure into secret coves.

The scuba turbo re-invents fun below the water surface! This self floating, electrically powered underwater scooter zooms you around to explore the shallows or the depths with simplicity

  • The ideal activity to admire the fauna and flora of the beach of La Madrague
  • Activity made to be shared with family or friends !
  • Exceptional underwater visibility

On the programme

In this intimate, calm and preserved setting, Sardinaux Evasion invites you to conquer the seabed and adventure into secret coves.

The scuba turbo re-invents fun below the water surface! This self floating, electrically powered underwater scooter zooms you around to explore the shallows or the depths up to 30 meters.

Discover lighted rocky sea beds and beautiful posidonia meadows with a large number of Pinna Nobilis (fan mussels)

Good to know

To take with you
  • Sun screen
  • Cap or hat
  • Bottle of water
Spoken languages English, French
Starting from
-14% 30
PVC : 35€

Tickets sold out.

Please try again in a few days.

Activity location


Sardinaux Evasion - Water Glisse Passion

Plage de la Madrague, Sainte-Maxime, France


Parking spots along the beach



Activity provider : Water Glisse Passion

Official website

Partner of local tourist offices

Best Prices

Free of charge and surcharge

Activities tested

By our advisors


100% secured - 3DS2