Training Sessions - Golf de Valescure

Training Sessions - Golf de Valescure

Discover and learn to play golf on the oldest course in the Var, in a beautiful and professional setting surrounded by the umbrella pines of Valescure, in Saint-Raphaël.

Duration : 5

  • Training session deals
  • Individual or couple lessons
  • An exceptional environment

On the programme

An irresistible invitation to take part in a training lesson open to younger players and adult beginners. 

During the sessions you will learn based on the "Logicagolf" methodology: swing basics, practice, short games, and the green.

Good to know

Included in the offer

Golfing equipment is provided. 

To take with you

Golfers must be smartly dressed: no shorts or flip-flops.

Other info

Only during school holidays. 

Accessible to people with reduced mobility.

Important information

For the advanced training, have a Green card. 

Spoken language French
Starting from 450

Tickets sold out.

Please try again in a few days.

Activity location


Golf de Valescure

Club House de Valescure Route des Golfs 83700 SAINT RAPHAEL FRANCE


Private parking is available.


Agglobus n°6 - Stops "La Ronceraie" and "Le Green"

Activity provider : Golf de Valescure

Official website

Partner of local tourist offices

Best Prices

Free of charge and surcharge

Activities tested

By our advisors


100% secured - 3DS2