The "Guide du routard" (famous tourist guide) 2016 / 2017

The "Guide du routard" (famous tourist guide) 2016 / 2017

Looking for what to do on the French Riviera and Esterel ? In the guide du routard, you have everything you are looking for. The guide du routard is the essential guide to prepare your holidays in France !

Duration : 1

  • paper printed format
  • All the useful information
  • Surprising anecdotes

On the programme

On the guide du routard you will find all the answers to your questions ! Transport, leisure ideas, tourist information on the culture and the environment, stories and amusing anecdotes, good tips cover this famous and much sought-after guide.

Starting from
-20% 3,9
PVC : 4,9€

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Activity location


Esterel Côte d'Azur

65 Rue Isaac Newton, Saint-Raphaël, France

Meeting point

Technopôle epsilon 1


Free parking available


Line 12, 10, 7

Activity provider : Estérel Côte d'Azur

Official website

Partner of local tourist offices

Best Prices

Free of charge and surcharge

Activities tested

By our advisors


100% secured - 3DS2