Pesca-tourism - Olivier Bardoux

Pesca-tourism - Olivier Bardoux

Set off before sunrise on a traditional fishing boat and explore the job of a professional fisherman. This invitation to temporarily escape the world you're used to in exchange for something entirely different will reveal to you the beauty of the Var's coast.

Duration : 2 h

  • Observation and exploration of a fisherman's job
  • Sunrise or sunset boat outing
  • Discover the Mediterranean fauna and flora

On the programme

Before sunrise, set off in a traditional fishing boat and discover the job of a professional fisherman. This escape into another world will show you all the beauty of the Var coast at sunrise, as well as the thrills felt when the nets are pulled up and reveal the catch(es) of the day! Share your passion for the job, knowledge of the surrounding environment, resource management and the culture of this ancestral activity with the fisherman.

Good to know

To take with you

Closed shoes, sunglasses, suncream and clothes to protect from the sun.

Important information

From 15 years old.

Spoken language French
Starting from 60

Tickets sold out.

Please try again in a few days.

Activity location


Pesca-tourism - Olivier Bardoux

423 Boulevard du Sémaphore, 83700 Saint-Raphaël, France


8 to 10 spaces maximum.


Agglobus, line 8 - from the Saint-Raphaël bus station, get off at the "Le Dramont" stop.

Activity provider : PESCATOURISME / ECA

Official website

Partner of local tourist offices

Best Prices

Free of charge and surcharge

Activities tested

By our advisors


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