Kayak rental - Boulouris

Kayak rental - Boulouris

On the beach of Boulouris, come and relax and enjoy a trip in a single, duo, or quatro kayak!

Alone, with friends, as a couple or as a family, it's an opportunity to discover the Esterel's creeks and its red rocks.

Duration : 1 h

  • Ideal for family, friends, couple and even alone
  • Fun and laughter guaranteed!
  • Discovery of the Esterel coastline
  • Shower and toilet facilities nearby

On the programme

Swimsuit, towel, hat and go to the beach of Boulouris to walk and discover the famous creeks of the Esterel aboard a kayak equipped with a backrest to maximize your comfort!

Without saying too much, you will be able to have a picnic among the few creeks present. You will also have the possibility to go to small caves or even to go around the Ile d'Or.

Good to know

Included in the offer

- Life jacket
- Waterproof can
- Paddle

To take with you

- Bathing suit
- Sunscreen
- Towel
- Cap/Hat
- Water bottle
- Picnic lunch

Other info

- Once your reservation is made, we will confirm availability within 24 hours.
- No charge will be made if the activity is not available.
- Confirmation to be presented directly on the smartphone impression not required.

Important information

- Swimming skills

Spoken language French
Starting from 15

Activity location


Boulours Kayak Paddle

Plage de Boulouris, Saint-Raphaël, France


Parking nearby and on the long side after the tunnel

Activity provider : Boulouris Kayak Paddle

Customer reviews

5 étoiles
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1 étoile

Based on 13 Reviews

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Commenté le 30/08/2024

Franchement parfait, rien à dire. On a pu voir les plus. beaux coins grâce aux 4h de kayak. Explications claires pour les débutants


super expérience

Commenté le 16/05/2024

je recommande !


Super !

Commenté le 14/05/2024

Gérante très agréable !

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