Initiation/Perfection of apnea

Initiation/Perfection of apnea

Become aware of the breath, the freshness of the inspiration, the slowness of the expiration... Discover the art of breathing well, this breath accessible at any moment, effective to relax and better manage your emotions. Learning apnea is above all learning to breathe! Take control of your body and enjoy the freedom underwater! A moment of escape and a feeling of physical and mental well-being will be yours!

Duration : 3 h

  • Relaxation
  • Well-being
  • Pleasure

On the programme

The meeting point is located in the Santa Lucia harbor next to the nautical base and the shipyard, near the sanitary facilities of the North basin (Bridge n°3). You will embark on board the "JOBANO", a 5.50m semi-rigid boat equipped with a 100hp engine. A state-qualified instructor will take care of you and will provide you with the solid, theoretical and practical bases of this physical and sports activity for a day or half-day to discover freediving and its different disciplines. This formula allows you to discover the practice of an underwater sport that gives you access to the underwater environment with a great feeling of freedom. Come and reveal the potential that is in you! A feeling of physical and mental well-being will be the result! The organizer reserves the right to postpone the activity if all the security conditions are not met, especially the weather conditions.

Good to know

Included in the offer

- Supervision,
- Boat,
- Equipment

Not included in the offer


To take with you

- Bathing suit,
- Towel,
- Hat,
- Water

Other info

- From 8 years old,
- Ability to swim,
- Medical certificate of no contraindication to the practice of diving

Important information

- From 8 years old,
- Know how to swim,
- Medical certificate of no contraindication to the practice of diving

Spoken languages English, French
Starting from 50

Tickets sold out.

Please try again in a few days.

Activity location


Esterel Sea School

121 Bd Raymond Poincaré, 83700 Saint-Raphaël, France

Meeting point

Free parking


Free parking

Activity provider : Esterel Sea School

Official website

Partner of local tourist offices

Best Prices

Free of charge and surcharge

Activities tested

By our advisors


100% secured - 3DS2