Guided walk - Taste the wild flavors of the Maquis

Guided walk - Taste the wild flavors of the Maquis

Go for an unusual walk in the heart of the bush of Boulouris !  Accompanied by your naturalist guide, follow the trail to taste the edible wild plants that you find on your way.

From arbutus jelly to myrtle liqueur we will not tell you more about the riches of our territory and all the potential it has.

Duration : 2 h

  • Unusual and fun
  • Easy and accessible
  • Discovery of many local products
  • Panoramic route

On the programme

From the coastal Maquis on Boulouris, Saint Raphaël district, go with your guide for an out of the ordinary approach to nature.

You will discover 7 different products that are present around us and learn to recognize the edible plants and fruits that nature offers us!

In addition to the scenery of the ride, this trip will make you discover the wild flavors of the maquis!

We do not say more ....

Good to know

Included in the offer
  • The products to taste
To take with you
  • Good shoes
  • Bottle of water
Other info
  • After you booked, we will confirm the availability within 24 hours
  • No charges will be taken if the activity is not available
  • Present directly your confirmation with your smartphone
Important information
  • From 6 years old
Spoken language French
Starting from 25

Tickets sold out.

Please try again in a few days.

Activity location


Contraste & Fusion

McDonald's, Avenue Commandant Camille Suzanne, Saint-Raphaël, France

Meeting point

Meeting point: Mc Donald's parking to carshare to the starting point.


Free parking


Agglobus line

Activity provider : Contraste & Fusion

Official website

Partner of local tourist offices

Best Prices

Free of charge and surcharge

Activities tested

By our advisors


100% secured - 3DS2