First dive without certificate - Saint-Raphaël

First dive without certificate - Saint-Raphaël

Dive into the heart of the Mediterranean for a unique experience in the underwater world ...

You do not have a diving certification, then this service is for you! Discover the basic techniques of diving for more than 45 minutes, alone or with others with a certified instructor.

  • From 10 years old
  • Discovery of the seabed
  • Up to 3 people with 1 monitor
  • Gives the right to a 12m supervised diver certification for 6 months

On the programme

Discover the basic techniques of diving with :

  • a theory session to understand the underwater world,
  • a technical session to dive with ease and an exploration to discover, like a certified diver, the flora and fauna of the Mediterranean.

Good to know

Included in the offer


Important information
  • Minimum 10 years old
  • Be able to swim
  • Have no medical contraindication
Spoken languages English, French
Starting from 110

Activity location


Club sous l'eau

101 quai du commandant le Prieur, 83700 Saint-Raphaël, France

Meeting point

Our structure is located behind the convention center next to the harbor master's office


Free, ask for the access

Activity provider : Club Sous l'Eau

Official website

Partner of local tourist offices

Best Prices

Free of charge and surcharge

Activities tested

By our advisors


100% secured - 3DS2