Esterel/Mediterranean Tour - Kayak & electric mountain bike

Esterel/Mediterranean Tour - Kayak & electric mountain bike

From the golden cornice, go with friends or family for an unusual sports day !


On the program :
In the morning, kayak along the red rocks of the Esterel and discover coves with truquoise waters.
Picnic in a creek, inaccessible from the road.
In the afternoon, put on your sneakers and ride an electric mountain bike to discover the most beautiful panoramas of the Esterel.

  • Beautiful panoramas
  • Access to coves from the Sea
  • Sport for all - no level required

On the programme

We think that the best way to enjoy the Esterel is to spend the day with your loved ones in a small group. You will enjoy the day at your own pace, without time constraints, without worrying about the stewardship (equipment, supplies, maps, GPS systems). We will take care of everything. We will pick you up at your place of stay or residence to reach the point of departure.

Morning in Kayak :
The Mediterranean sea, red rocks, deserted creeks, inaccessible islands. You can enjoy all of this in one day ! The launch will take place on the beach of La Figueirette. You will sail on a comfortable two-seater kayak with your partner or friend. Improvised swimming and meal in an isolated cove for maximum privacy and relaxation is on the program.


Afternoon on an electric mountain bike : To explore the landscapes and panoramas of the Esterel in a small group, nothing better than an electric mountain bike. You can manage the assistance of your bike to stay together on the whole itinerary. From the bay of Agay you will cross the Esterel to reach the Trayas. Mount Vinegar, St Barthelemy Rock and Bear Peak await you.


The tour is customizable on request, our services are 100% modular, we will adapt so that you can spend a memorable day in complete safety.

Good to know

Included in the offer

Transport by Mini Bus to reach the starting point, Provencal picnic, sports equipment, water

To take with you

Towels, bathing suit, backpack, sunscreen.

Other info
  • Don't forget : Towels, bathing suit, backpack, sunscreen.
  • After you booked, we will confirm the availability within 24 hours
  • No charges will be taken if the activity is not available
  • Present directly your confirmation with your smartphone
Spoken languages English, French
Starting from
-3% 145
PVC : 150€

Tickets sold out.

Please try again in a few days.

Activity location



570-670 D559, 83700 Saint-Raphaël, France

Meeting point

The shuttle is included in the price, the service provider can pick you up at your holiday destination or residence (Saint Raphaël - Fréjus - Puget) on request.


Chargeable parking during high season


Agglobus line n°8

Activity provider : ESTEREL & VOUS

Official website

Partner of local tourist offices

Best Prices

Free of charge and surcharge

Activities tested

By our advisors


100% secured - 3DS2