Electric Bike Rental - Delivery Saint Raphaël Fréjus

Electric Bike Rental - Delivery Saint Raphaël Fréjus

Want to enjoy a little ride on an electric mountain bike ? In Saint-Raphaël, you can ride easily thanks to the electric power-assisted MTB ! It can be delivered to your home. Spend the day by bike to enjoy the beautiful landscapes of the Esterel !

Duration : 3 h

  • Home delivery is possible
  • Helmet and anti-theft device provided
  • Magnificent landscapes to discover in the Esterel
  • Bicycle or MTB with electric assistance, easy to use

On the programme

Go for ride with an electrically assisted bike or mountain bike on the Golden Cornice or in the Esterel ! Delivery of bicycles to the Saint-Raphaël tourism office or on several other points (has to be filled in when booking). Discover the most beautiful landscapes around St Raphaël & Fréjus, bicycles can be delivered as close as possible to where you live. Mandatory deposit of 100 to 300€ depending on the bike or mountain bike.

Good to know

Included in the offer Helmet and anti-theft device provided
Other info Mandatory deposit of 500 to 2000€ depending on the bike, credit card or cheque only. Once your reservation has been made, we will confirm availability within 24 hours. No charges will be taken if the activity is not available. Confirmation has to be presented directly from your smartphone, printing is not necessary
Spoken languages English, French
Starting from 30

Tickets sold out.

Please try again in a few days.

Activity location


Riviera Evasion

172 Rue Albert Einstein, Fréjus, France

Meeting point

MTBs can be delivered to your home.

Activity provider : Jc cycles

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Excellent accueil et service. Très professionnel

Commenté le 14/06/2019

Le vélo électrique est un bon compromis pour visiter un ensemble de lieux. Comme le massif du cap esterel. Découverte du vtt sur route goudronnée avec le sentier des odeurs, puis pour plus de sensations et s’evader, randonnées dans les sentiers pédestres en terre... Facile d’utilisation et à porter de tous. Même les moins sportifs.

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