Exploration scuba diving - Les Issambres

Exploration scuba diving - Les Issambres

For divers who have already graduated, come and observe the fauna and flora of the Gulf of Saint-Tropez and the bay of Saint-Raphaël, from the Rabiou beacon to the tip of the Dramont.

  • Multi-level sites
  • Wide variety of sites, droppings, wrecks
  • Mediterranean Fauna and Flora
  • From a boat specially designed for diving

On the programme

Process of the diving :

  • Arrival at the diving school
  • Distribution of equipmentDeparture by boat to the site
  • Arrival on site, explanation, dive progress and safety instructions
  • Underwater hike with or without an instructor depending on the level of the participants
  • Contraindication : all contraindications to scuba diving, including pregnancy
  • For the 6 and 10 dive cards the reservations will be determined by phone

Good to know

Included in the offer
  • Boat transport
  • Supervised or unsupervised diving
  • Inflation 
  • Weights
Not included in the offer
  • The equipment
Other info
  • Parental authorization for minors
  • Bring : dive logbook, level card and medical certificate
  • Once your reservation has been made, we will confirm availability within 24 hours
  • No charges will be taken if the activity is not available
  • Confirmation has to be presented directly from your smartphone, printing is not necessary
Important information
  • Read the medical contraindications
  • Present a medical certificate
Spoken languages German, English, French
Starting from 70

Activity location


La plongée aux Issambres - CP Saint Ferréol

Sur le Port San Peïre, 83380 Les Issambres


Parkings sur le port et autour


Bus 11 St Raphaël / Roquebrune /Les Issambres Bus 7601 St Raphaël - St Tropez bus 7702 St Raphaël - Cavalaire

Official website

Partner of local tourist offices

Best Prices

Free of charge and surcharge

Activities tested

By our advisors


100% secured - 3DS2