Baby water-ski (3-8y)

Baby water-ski (3-8y)

Want to introduce your little ones to water skiing? We thought of them too!

Our state certified instructors will be happy to receive them and help them discover the sensations of water skiing!

Duration : 0 h 15

  • Activity availible starting from 3 years old
  • A service designed and conceived especially for them with adapted equipment
  • Supervised activity by state-certified professionals
  • Perrin Lake located right next to the mythical rock of Roquebrune sur Argens

On the programme

Want to introduce your little ones to water skiing? We thought of them too!

Our state certified instructors will be happy to receive them and help them discover the sensations of water skiing!

We welcome children to the tow bar starting at 3 years old: a service created and designed specifically for them. At Arena Lake, there are neither waves nor fear of the sea : in other words optimal conditions to discover the joys of water skiing!

So don’t hesitate, offer them an unforgettable moment!

Good to know

To take with you

Sun screen

  • Towel
Other info

To avoid any waiting for your baby ski ride, we recommand you to send a text message to the nautical base to confirm your time slot : 07 61 18 39 40.

Spoken languages English, French
Starting from
-13% 35
PVC : 40€

Tickets sold out.

Please try again in a few days.

Activity location


Water Glisse Passion Aréna plage Lac Pérrin

131 Chemin du Lac, 83520 Roquebrune-sur-Argens, France


Free large parking


Lac de l'Aréna (Lake of Arena)

Activity provider : Water Glisse Passion

Official website

Partner of local tourist offices

Best Prices

Free of charge and surcharge

Activities tested

By our advisors


100% secured - 3DS2