Philosophical dinner with accommodation for 2 people

Philosophical dinner with accommodation for 2 people

Philosophical dinner with accommodation in double room in luxury apartments in Liedtke Museum in the Port of Andratx and philosophical lecture "Art and the future" and the lecture "God and the World," with the philosopher Dieter W. Liedtke

Duration : 1 nuits

  • with free entrance to the revolutionary art exhibition of Liedtke Museum
  • 7 course gourmet dinner
  • The philosophical talks about the theme of the future at the museum of Liedtke in Mallorca
  • Unique experience with the philosopher and artist Dieter W. Liedtke
  • Ask your unanswered questions to the philosopher
  • Seminar of understanding art and creativity

On the programme

“Based on the method of conducting scientific research by means of art and philosophy, lost since the Renaissance, Liedtke is the first artist after almost 5 centuries to once more achieve art and research results of the highest quality.”

“Briefly after their creation, his advanced findings Dieter Liedtke unravels the conditions of familiar theories. His ideas and his art-work require an observer, i.e. God, for whom time as the sum of all moments is present were documented in his works of art, books, and exhibitions. New facts confirming Liedtke‘s findings, independently of his art and studies, are regularly discovered years after by prominent researchers in various areas of science. In 2000 the neurobiologist Eric Kandel received the Nobel Prize for medicine; his findings were anticipated in Dieter W. Liedtke‘s works of art 20 years ago and documented in the book ‚The consciousness of the substance (1982)‘. In 2006 the researchers Andrew Fire and Craig Mello received Nobel Prize for their discovery in 1998 of how information regulates genes thus confirming Dieter W. Liedtke‘s works of the 80-is: genes and gene programs can be switched on and off.“

Dr. Thomas Föhl
Art historian and Member of the Director Board of the Weimar Classic Foundation

Good to know

Included in the offer
  • Cocktail
  • bottle of Cava Brut
  • Fruit Carpacio
  • First Meal - Lobster 
  • Second Meal - Sirloin steak or Fish of the day or Vegetarian meal or Chef's choice 
  • Dessert to choose from
  • Cheese plate
  • Coffee
  • Brandy Carlos I
Spoken languages German, Spanish, English
Starting from 195

Tickets sold out.

Please try again in a few days.

Activity location


aimeim event cafe

Carrer Olivera, 35, Port d'Andratx, Spain


visitors parking is available

Activity provider : Liedtke Museum

Official website

Partner of local tourist offices

Best Prices

Free of charge and surcharge

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