New Year Party

New Year Party

The New Year in the Liedtke Museum in Puerto de Andratx. Fantastic panoramic terraces by the sea and in the rocks of the coast with views of the harbor and the city of Andratx and their fireworks. Celebrate in the middle of the art exhibition.

Duration : 1 nuits

  • with free entrance to the revolutionary art exhibition of Liedtke Museum
  • Fireworks
  • New year decoration
  • Live viewing at worldwide New Year celebrations
  • New Year's Eve movie on big screen
  • The art in the museum, the air, the stars, the movies and live broadcasts, the sea, the gourmet dinner are the positive overall experience at the beginning of the year.

On the programme

Aimeim Event Café brings spectacular views. You can enjoy the sea, the rocks, the moon with wonderful impressions. Two large screens, one directly on the rocks will make you dream. A chill-out area Inndor with large screen complements the themed decoration.

Good to know

Included in the offer
  • bottle of Cava Brut
  • First Meal
  • Second Meal
    Sirloin steak or Fish of the day or Vegetarian meal or Chef's choice 
  • Dessert to choose from
  • Coffee
  • Brandy Carlos I

Spoken languages English, German, Spanish
Starting from 196

Tickets sold out.

Please try again in a few days.

Activity location


aimeim event cafe

Carrer Olivera, 35, Port d'Andratx, Spain


visitor parking is available

Activity provider : Liedtke Museum

Official website

Partner of local tourist offices

Best Prices

Free of charge and surcharge

Activities tested

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