Liedtke Museum Shareholders Party for two persons

Liedtke Museum Shareholders Party for two persons

World premiere art happening! Celebrate the festival of Liedtke Museum shareholders with us.Everyone becomes a shareowner of the museum and more creative. Art is democratized.

Now table reservation with dinner. From 2 persons free VIP driver service.

Duration : 4 h

  • welcome cocktail
  • Live music
  • A film of prosperity of the future
  • Speech on the annual result and the future of the Liedtke Museum and the planned IPO
  • Fireworks
  • Fantastic terrace view on the sea and in the rocks of the coast with dinner

On the programme

Only by seeing and understanding become the new Leonardo da Vinci. The art and creativity democratize itself. The Kunst-Happening gift is a genuinely registered share and part of the Liedtke Museum in Port'd Andratx, Mallorca Spain, with the exhibition i = E = MC2. (

If you like our idea, please share this information with artists and creative people or those who want to become more creative. If you do not have a free stock yet, you can order them on the Museum's website prior to the event. Or deposit your address at the event entrance to the "Festival of Shareholders" to receive a subsequent share as an admission ticket.

The location of the Aimeim Event Café in the Liedtke Museum offers spectacular views. You can enjoy the sea, the rocks, the moon with wonderful impressions. Two large screens, one directly on the rocks, will provide you with new WEB artworks from the AAFestival.

Good to know

Included in the offer
  • Free shares from the Liedtke Museum
  • Fireworks
  • Movie about the formula of the future
  • 1 bottle of Cava Brut
  • Shrimp with garlic
  • Sirloin steak or fish of the day or vegetarian dinner or recommendation of the chef
  • Dessert to choose from
  • coffee
  • brandy
Spoken languages German, Spanish, English
Starting from 28,5

Tickets sold out.

Please try again in a few days.

Activity location


aimeim event cafe

Carrer Olivera, 35, Port d'Andratx, Spain


visitor parking is available

Activity provider : Liedtke Museum

Official website

Partner of local tourist offices

Best Prices

Free of charge and surcharge

Activities tested

By our advisors


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