Codigo Universo Party for two persons

Codigo Universo Party for two persons

The universe code found by Dieter Liedtke enables a new world. Exhibits of the Codigo Universo are exhibited in the Liedtke Museum. Numerous prominent artists are invited to the festival of the positive future.

Now table reservation with dinner. From 2 persons free VIP driver service.

Duration : 3 h

  • A new formula is changing the world
  • Art as the engine of the future
  • The festival of the evolution of knowledge
  • The museum, the sea, the gourmet dinner and the thought that a better future with the Codigo Universo is possible are a special experience.
  • A museum with a fantastic terrace view on the sea. The best views on Mallorca write the Mieden.

On the programme

“Dieter Liedtke unravels the conditions of familiar theories. His ideas and his art-work require an observer, i.e. God, for whom time as the sum of all moments is present.“

“Liedtke’s formula is an evolutionary achievement. Once invented and implemented, it enables itself.”

Prof. Niklas Luhmann
Social Scientist and Social Theorist University of Bielefeld Consultant of the Codigo Universo exhibition art open

Good to know

Included in the offer
  • finger food
  • Vegan, fish, and meat buffet
  • Live DJ music
  • Bottle of Cava Brut
Spoken languages German, Spanish, English
Starting from 28,5

Tickets sold out.

Please try again in a few days.

Activity location


aimeim event cafe

Carrer Olivera, 35, Port d'Andratx, Spain


visitor parking is available

Activity provider : Liedtke Museum

Official website

Partner of local tourist offices

Best Prices

Free of charge and surcharge

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