Guided tour of the village of Montauroux

Guided tour of the village of Montauroux

During this village visit will be explained the history, the economy, the landscape, the local life, the traditions, the famous people who have made Montauroux what it is today.

From the Tourism Office, explanation of the topography through an analyze of the landscape, development and toponymy of the territory, local architecture, visit of the alleys and squares, explanation of the Freemason presence, history of art and economy through the altarpieces of the church of St Barthélemy, history of the fortress of Montauroux and visit of the chapel of St Barthélemy, given during his lifetime by Christian Dior to the town. The barrel vault and walls entirely decorated with painted wooden panels made it earn its classification as a historic monument.

Duration : 1 h 30

  • Discovery of the Church
  • The fountains and washhouses tour
  • Discovery of the Chapel of St Barthélemy - gift from Christian Dior

On the programme

With this guided tour, discover the architectural and historical heritage of the village during a picturesque walk in the heart of the village of Montauroux: the Church, the Dior Chapel, the washhouses and fountains.... Departure from the Tourism Information Office in Montauroux. Please show up 10 minutes early.

Ideal for families

Discovery of the church and chapel of St Barthélemy - gift from Christian Dior

Nearby : Les Bambous du Mandarin, Le Bride of Tuves and the Lake of St-Cassien

Hiking in the Gorges de la Siagne

Good to know

Included in the offer

- map of Montauroux

Not included in the offer

- personal purchases

To take with you

- flat shoes

- water bottle

- cap

- umbrella in case of bad weather

Other info

Guaranteed departure from 5 registered persons - The tourism office will inform you 48 hours in advance to confirm or not the outing.

Spoken language French
Starting from 3

Tickets sold out.

Please try again in a few days.

Activity location


Montauroux Tourism Information Office

83440 Place du Clos, Montauroux, France


At the entrance of the village, on the road to Callian, Free except for the blue lots, limited time.


Varlib bus stop: Place du Clos-MONTAUROUX

Activity provider : OTI Pays de Fayence

Official website

Partner of local tourist offices

Best Prices

Free of charge and surcharge

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