2-hour ecological tour: the biodiversity of Marseille's islands

2-hour ecological tour: the biodiversity of Marseille's islands

Knowing and sharing the diversity of Marseille's coastline is already a first step towards protecting ...

Head for the Frioul islands, classified as sustainable islands and part of the Parc des Calanques, for a 2-hour eco-tour by boat.

Duration : 2 h

  • WHAT ARE WE DOING? To make you, young and old, aware of the many PROTECTION and PRESERVATION issues at stake.
  • The ROLE OF HUMAIN ACTIVITY in the degradation of biodiversity: the importance of adopting eco-citizen actions on a daily basis and minimising water, soil and air pollution;
  • TAKE ACTION to ensure that water-based activities have as LITTLE IMPACT AS POSSIBLE on the marine and terrestrial environments: protect the Posidonia meadow by limiting the impact of moorings, respect marked paths, avoid noise pollution …
  • The consequences of CLIMATE CHANGE, which is changing the living conditions of species;
  • COMBATING the introduction of invasive alien species;
    The SUCCESS of the artificial reefs in Prado Bay
  • Because of their geographical location and unique climate, the Frioul Islands are home to habitats that are often poorly represented at national level, with high heritage value and in a remarkable state of conservation compared with the mainland.

On the programme

Aboard our comfortable motorboats, depart Marseille's Old Port for the Frioul archipelago.

Stop off at various characteristic coves to discover the flora and fauna.

Back to the Old Port.

Depending on weather conditions, the captain reserves the right to cancel the outing for safety reasons.


During our sea trip, we'll be visiting some remarkable natural sites. These sites are home to a significant biodiversity of flora and fauna that is still preserved and that it is essential to protect. We will be taking care to adapt our sailing and our behaviour to preserve this environment.

Good to know

Included in the offer

Charter with skipper, fuel, insurance, port tax

On board: water, cool box

A swim will be offered to you

Not included in the offer

Food and beverage services

To take with you

Sunglasses and cap in summer and remember to cover well in winter ...

Other info

The tour is available from 4 adult bookings per boat from Monday to Friday. Otherwise, the tour may be cancelled.

In the case of privatization (max 12 people per boat), the tour is provided :

- from 01/04/2024 to 31/10/2024 : from Monday to Friday

- from 01/11/2024 to 31/03/2025 : all week, weekend included

Duration :

  • 2 h circuit morning : 10.00 to 12.00
  • 2h circuit afternoon : 14:00 to 16:00
Spoken languages English, French, Italian
Starting from 55

Activity location



22 Rue de la Loge, 13002 Marseille, France

Meeting point

The appointment is made at our agency before heading out on one of our boats located just a few metres away.


Near by, Parking Q-Park Vieux Port Hôtel de Ville


subway : Vieux Port station bus : line 582 - stop Hotel de Ville

Activity provider : Localanque

Customer reviews

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Based on 6 Reviews

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An enjoyable time on the ocean

Commenté le 18/07/2024

Really enjoyed this tour. From booking to the trip all went smoothly. We were very lucky to see the Olympic sailing teams practising, such an added bonus. Would recommend and as only a small boat more personal.

Yannick LONG

A répondu à LYNDA le 20/07/2024

We are delighted to have introduced you to these superb landscapes. Marseille is an unusual city that can be discovered by sea. Thank you for your very kind comment. Best regards The Localanque team


Merveilleuse façon de découvrir Marseille par la mer.

Commenté le 01/07/2024

Nous avons adoré la visite de Marseille et ses calanques , Îles et lieux historiques par la mer. Bateau très confortable. Capitaine très professionnel, explications détaillées sur l'aspect historique, social et écologique des Iles de Marseille. Recommandée pour tout ceux qui veulent découvrir cette magnifique région d'une unique façon.

Yannick LONG

A répondu à Marcel le 09/07/2024

Nous sommes ravis de vous avoir fait découvrir ces paysages superbes. Marseille est une ville insolite qui se découvre par la mer. Merci pour votre très gentil commentaire. Bien cordialement L'équipe de Localanque


Moment magique

Commenté le 01/05/2024

Circuit en tout petit groupe + beauté des sites + guide Yannick très intéressant donc...A FAIRE !

Yannick LONG

A répondu à franck le 07/05/2024

Merci beaucoup. C'est un plaisir partagé de pouvoir faire découvrir des sites magnifiques. Bien cordialement L'équipe de Localanque

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