Electric moutain bike excursion in Saint-Tropez gulf

Electric moutain bike excursion in Saint-Tropez gulf

Riding electric bikes, explore the wildest places and hidden treasures of the region effortlessly. You will admire magnificent panoramas from the sea to the mountain, Richard, your guide, will make you discover his exceptional playground.

Duration : 3 h

  • Accessibleto everyone
  • Amazing panoramas
  • Latest generation equipment
  • Effortlessly thank to the electric

On the programme

From Saint-Tropez go on the handlebars of electric mountain bikes to the discovery of the wildest places passing in the forest of Patapans. This ridge line overlooks the sea and the pretty village of Saint-Tropez offering a view of the villages of Gassin and Ramatuelle and the most distant mountains such as the Massif de l'Esterel, the Mercantour Park. During your exursion, you will pass through the most prestigious winery of the region.

Direction Cap Taillat, by the famous beach of Escalet and an incredible overhang of this same Cap (navigation tool for marine vessels). Through the National Park of Port-Cros, exceptional view of the Hyères Islands, Levant Islands (military domain for almost all the surface), Port-Cros, the Island of Porquerolles and the magnificent bay of Cavalaire and its town (landing beach, place of history).

If the weather allows it, discover of the beach of Briande (small isolated beach, unusual and must-see place in the area). Climb up the village of Ramatuelle through a wide track with an extraordinary view of the bay of Pampelonne very easy without any difficulty, and back.

Enjoy this effortless and painless accompanied excursion thanks to the electric.

Accessible to all, children from 1.40M.

Activity duration : 3 hours (included:  reception/briefing/trying bikes). Vertical : 35KM/850m .

Adaptation according to the group, hiking from Saint-Tropez and its surroundings, massive possibility of the Esterel.

Good to know

Included in the offer

Equipment : electric bike, helmet
Supervised by a graduated guide

To take with you


Comfortable sportswear
Closed sports shoes


Other info

To be able to bike riding
Minimum of 1m40
No medical contraindications

Important information
  • Be able to bike-riding
  • Minimum 1m40
  • No medical contraindications
  • Not suitable for people with reduced mobility
  • Maximum weight: 100 kgs
Not included in the offer

Drink and snack

Spoken languages English, French
Starting from 75

Tickets sold out.

Please try again in a few days.

Activity location


Rebull Richard

Géant Casino, 120 Rdpt de la Foux, 83580 Gassin, France


Géant Casino parking


Bus lines : 7803, 7701, 7802, 7601.

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Une magnifique sortie en pleine nature

Commenté le 17/08/2022

Une très belle manière de découvrir cette région. Nous avons apprécié le choix de l'itinéraire qui varie entre forêt, vignobles et points de vue surplombant la mer. Tout ça sans être dans la circulation! Activité accessible avec des adolescents même par forte chaleur. Merci à Richard pour sa gentillesse et son professionnalisme.

Richard Rebull

A répondu à Myriam le 28/08/2022

Merci de votre confiance , au plaisir.

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