Relaxation dive and stress management

Relaxation dive and stress management

You feel stressed and really want to "decompress". Our team of certified instructors offer you half-day relaxation-diving days to offer you a bubble of serenity. Much more than a dive or just relaxation, you will benefit from this well-being over the long term.

  • A team of experienced sophrologists to support you
  • A team of state-certified instructors at your service
  • Moment of rest and relaxation

On the programme

After a VIP welcome on the boat, in the center of the port of Fréjus, a time to discuss your needs and expectations will be taken. Detailed explanations of the course of the half day will be given to you, including the safety rules linked to the activity).

Then, you will be offered relaxation. Time dedicated to letting go, returning to oneself, so that your dive is even more enjoyable.

Then comes the time to dive. Relaxed and completely secure by the monitor within arm's reach, you will discover the flora and fauna serenely, and let yourself be lulled by this magical environment that is the sea. Proprioception exercises will be offered underwater.

2 possible formulas always with the goal of your pleasure and your serenity :

If you are already a diver, the ride and the exercises will adapt to your aquatic ease and your level of diver. You will discover another way to dive.

If you are not yet a diver, this will be a first step into scuba diving and using the equipment to breathe underwater. The walk will take place at a depth of between 0 and 6 meters. Make way for your well-being and your wonder. There is only one thing to do : give way to its sensations and marvel at the impressions of weightlessness in which our body is underwater, savor this rediscovered lightness, and admire the beauty and the richness of the underwater world.

Back on the surface, you will continue your relaxation until returning to the port, admiring the beauty of the landscapes of the bay of Fréjus-St Raphael and enjoying the sea.

Only one thing to do: Dare this underwater adventure and inner adventure.

Good to know

Included in the offer
  • Boat transport to the dive site
  • Relaxation
  • Dive with an experienced instructor trained in stress management
To take with you
  • Swimsuit
  • Towel
  • Sunscreen
  • Jumper (depends on the weather)
  • Bottle of water
Other info
  • Contact the diving school 24 / 48h before for weather confirmation & exact appointment time
  • Minimum 8 years old, know how to swim and not be pregnant
  • Once your reservation is made, we will confirm availability within 24 hours
  • No debit will be taken if the activity is not available
  • Confirmation to be presented directly on the smartphone, printing not necessary
Important information
  • Not to have medical contraindications to the practice of scuba diving (not to be pregnant)
  • Minimum 8 years
  • Be able to swim
Not included in the offer
  • Equipment rental (available for rental directly from the boat)
Spoken languages English, French
Starting from 150

Tickets sold out.

Please try again in a few days.

Activity location



6 Quai Cléopâtre, 83600 Fréjus, France

Meeting point

At the foot of the central footbridge of Port Fréjus, opposite the KOKONUT rum factory and the NESS gelateria


Car park at the roundabout Hermès


Bus stop, roundabout Hermès

Activity provider : ALPHA BELUGA ITI

Official website

Partner of local tourist offices

Best Prices

Free of charge and surcharge

Activities tested

By our advisors


100% secured - 3DS2