Paddle stepper rental

Paddle stepper rental

You can navigate on the Argens river thanks to Paddle Stepper ! 

Its innovative system of propulsion is efficient and very easy !

You can discover a beautiful and natural place and doing sport at the same time. Enjoy !

Duration : 1 h

  • More stable than a classic paddle because wider and there's a fixed front
  • Standing position allow to exercise buttocks muscles
  • You will be surprise by its facility

On the programme

Paddle Stepper is an innovation that allow to navigate without the arm strength because we don't need to row.

You just need to go on the paddle stepper and to activate the step system thanks to your legs!

Speed provide stability and 2 grips on the handlebar give the direction (left or right). 

If you try it, you will love it!

Good to know

Included in the offer

Life jacket

To take with you

Cap, water bottle

Spoken languages English, French
Starting from 25

Tickets sold out.

Please try again in a few days.

Activity location


Kayak Paddle Fréjus

645 Chemin de la Sabliere, 83600 Fréjus, France


Free car park available

Activity provider : AVENTURE NAUTIQUE

Official website

Partner of local tourist offices

Best Prices

Free of charge and surcharge

Activities tested

By our advisors


100% secured - 3DS2