Guided jet ski tour in Cannes Bay 4 hrs

Guided jet ski tour in Cannes Bay 4 hrs

From the port of St Aygulf, go on a 4-hour tour towards Cannes to discover the Golden Island, the Red Rocks, the creeks and calanques (swimming break) at the dramont, the bay of Agay, the trayas with its viaduct, Lérins Island and breakfast offered at the port of la figuerette.

Duration : 4 h

  • Supervised tour : accessible from 16 years old with or without a new generation 2018 jet ski boat licence
  • ID is required
  • Breakfast offered
  • Restaurants, bars, ice-cream shops, fine sand beaches nearby.

On the programme

No description

Good to know

Included in the offer
  • Encadrement et jet ski
  • Prix par jet ski pour une personne, passager supplément 10€
  • Petit-déjeuner
Not included in the offer
  • Supervision and jetski
  • Price per jet ski, possibility to be 1 or 2 per jet ski
Other info
  • After you booked, we will confirm the availability within 24 hours
  • No charges will be taken if the activity is not available
  • Present directly your confirmation with your smartphone
Spectators accepted? Yes
Spoken languages German, English, French, Dutch
Starting from 230

Tickets sold out.

Please try again in a few days.

Activity location



27 Boulevard du Muy, 83370 Fréjus, France

Meeting point

2 Boulevard du Muy 83370 Saint-Aygulf (commune of Fréjus)




Bus Agglobus n°9, Place de la galiote stop

Activity provider : jet fun evasion

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Une rando au top !

Commenté le 10/07/2022

Une rando "VIP" puisque nous étions que 2 Jets ski Merci à Maëlys pour cette très belle excursion. Un bon choix de parcours afin de profiter d'une mer calme avant qu'elle ne soit plus agitée sur le retour ...

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