Electric boat rental without licence - Fréjus

5 Reviews
Electric boat rental without licence - Fréjus

From the Argens river, come and relax with your friends or family, the time of a walk in a typical Mediterranean pointu equipped with an electric motor with solar panel.

The opportunity to find yourself in the peace and quiet, close to the fauna and flora in total respect of the environment!

Duration : 1 h

  • Boat without licence
  • Diverse nature and flora
  • Respect for the ecology in a protected environment

On the programme

A short electric boat trip on the Argens river in 1 or 2 hours.

Relaxation, calm, nature, the right combo to spend a pleasant moment!

Good to know

To take with you

ID card is compulsary for the pilot.

Other info

Accessible from 4 years old

Deposit required at the start (payment by credit card)

Important information

The pilot must be overt 18 years old.

Spoken language French
Starting from 60

Tickets sold out.

Please try again in a few days.

Activity location



645 Chem. de la Sabliere, 83600 Fréjus, France


Free car park available

Activity provider : AVENTURE NAUTIQUE

Customer reviews


Based on 5 Reviews

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Bonne expérience

Commenté le 14/08/2023

Je recommande cette expérience mais les enfants sont difficile A canaliser, il faut vraiment que le personnel soit ferme avec les enfants sur les consequences de leur acte, un personnel doit être a bord du bateau lorsquil y a des enfants à mon avis


Promenade cool et très jolie

Commenté le 08/08/2022

Aucun problème de réservation. Très bien


Beautiful scenery

Commenté le 06/08/2022

Online reservation is very easy.

Official website

Partner of local tourist offices

Best Prices

Free of charge and surcharge

Activities tested

By our advisors


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