Discovery of the Bivouac

Discovery of the Bivouac

Our daily life is often set up like clockwork. Sometimes we would like to escape from our habits even if they are comfortable. The bivouac is there to help you escape! A moment just for you in the middle of nature.

  • Hiking accessible to all
  • A very friendly guide
  • A unique environment
  • A total disconnection
  • Sensorial experience

On the programme



Our daily lives are often like clockwork. Sometimes we would like to escape from our habits even if they are comfortable.

The bivouac is there to help you escape! A moment just for you in the middle of nature.

The bivouac is a rudimentary camp that we set up in the middle of nature and that will allow us to spend the night under the stars or under the tent.

The principle is to install the tent or the camp without shelter in the evening at sunset and to leave in the morning.

The bivouac is most often practiced during trips through natural and wild environments or during leisure activities such as hiking, trekking...




Bivouacking can be practiced all year round and in any weather!

That's why I propose to take you with me, in our massifs of the south PACA region, in order to make you discover the bivouac.

On the program a "Stroll" in the middle of our beautiful Flora that offers us our massif of the south region PACA, accessible to all.In the evening we will set up our camp.

For that a minimum of material will be OBLIGATORY!

The bivouac is a magic moment, because we are in the middle of nature, we can contemplate it (sunset, listen to nature), it is a very sensory moment.

We will share an exceptional moment of conviviality, a moment of sharing because we will all eat together, share our experiences, laugh, have an aperitif, ...

What is sure is that our senses will develop and we will hear noises (maybe animals).

Will we have the chance to see them?

Good to know

Not included in the offer

Bivouac material

To take with you

Sac a dos 

Matériel de bivouac (qui vous sera detaillé)

1L d'eau / personnes

Une petite laine

des chaussures de randonnée


Important information


Bivouac equipment (which will be detailed)

1L of water / person

A little wool

Hiking shoes

Spoken language French
Starting from 200

Tickets sold out.

Please try again in a few days.

Activity location


Thibaud from Rando-PACA

Esterel, Fréjus, France

Meeting point

The place of the meeting will be communicated according to the date and the department chosen



Activity provider : RANDO PACA

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Expérience avec la nature

Commenté le 22/10/2023

Le brame est une chose à découvrir, en pleine nature. Expérience à faire, prendre le temps, car c est la nature n est à nos ordres

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