Beginner diving training Level 1

Beginner diving training Level 1

The French diving school offers Level 1 training. Our state-certified diving and first aid instructors will give you the basics to dive safely. Dare this adventure within everyone's reach.

  • state-certified diving instructors
  • 15m boat
  • Discovery and certified training

On the programme

The diving school offers you a Level 1 training including a theoretical part given over the 5 practical lessons.

Our state-certified instructors are experienced and your dives will be at sea.

The first dive will be at shallow depth, in complete safety. Then, you will gain confidence in yourself and we will be able to evolve more deeply (max 20m). you will discover how to use the scuba diving equipment, then you will be able to enjoy the sensations

Good to know

Included in the offer
  • Scuba diving equipment
  • Theoretical course
  • Practical lesson
  • Transport by boat to the dive site
Not included in the offer
  • Booklet / passport / certification card 
  • Diving license if you wish (50 € / not compulsory)
To take with you
  • Swimsuit, towel, sunscreen,
  • Bottle of water
  • Medical certificate
Other info
  • Contact the school 24 / 48h before to confirm appointment time & weather forecast
  • Don't forget your medical certificate
Important information
  • Be able to swim
  • 14 years old and more (12 years old with parental consent)
  • Do not be pregnant
  • Have a medical certificate of no contraindication to the practice of scuba diving
Spoken language French
Starting from 390

Tickets sold out.

Please try again in a few days.

Activity location



6 quai Cléopatre Port FREJUS

Meeting point

Bateau ALPHA BELUGA, at the foot of the central footbridge of Port Fréjus,

Activity provider : ALPHA BELUGA ITI

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Formation niveau 1 : parfait

Commenté le 15/08/2022

Très pédagogues , accueillants , bienveillants , les plongeurs d Alpha Béluga , nous mettent en confiance et en sécurité pour prendre du plaisir dès la première plongée . Je recommande a 100 %

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