Beginner Dive Certification First Level (SSI) OPEN WATER

Beginner Dive Certification First Level (SSI) OPEN WATER

Get your first level of certification for scuba diving and dive anywhere on the planet up to 18m deep. A fun discovery of diving based on a progressive learning to be quickly at ease thanks to the school SSI (Scuba School International), in 3 full day to 6 half days.

  • Worldwide Certification, International Diving School SSI
  • From12 Y.O. for OPEN WATER Junior
  • confortable boat

On the programme

Want to get your first level of diving to explore the aquatic world ?

The training "Open Water" will allow you to dive to 18m depth, anywhere on the planet, in autonomy (that is to say= with another diver of the same level at minimum) and 20m managed by a diving monitor.

In 6 practical sessions in natural area, you will know how to plan your dive and be safe to discover wonderfull aquatic world.

FOR WHO ? Anyone who wants to start scuba diving from the age of 12 (with parental authorization)


- I buy the "Pedagogical theoric lesson Kit"

- I read it quietly according to my free time, on computer or tablet (ideally, before pratical lessons)

- I reserve my dives according to my dates of availability (between 3 and 6 days of training). The teaching of basic techniques is done in shallow depths at the beginning. Then, when I am comfortable, the exercises are repeated more deeply ... Gradually, I reinforce my knowledge and skills, with confidence, serenity and safety, discovering the beauties and extraordinar sensations of scuba diving.

Good to know

Included in the offer
  • 6 scuba diving sessions in natural area, sea.
  • Standard dive equipment included: air pack, lead, wetsuit, buoyancy compensator, regulator, snorkel fins.
Not included in the offer
  • Kit of theoretical knowledge - To buy separately (and ideally, to read before coming to dive)
To take with you
  • Swimsuit
  • Towel
  • Sunscreen
  • Medical certificate of no contraindication to scuba diving
  • Parental authorization to practice scuba diving if age<18y.o.
Other info
  • To know to swim
  • Not to be pragnant
  • No contre-indication medical certificate to pratice dive
  • Contact the dive center 48h before for weather condition confirmation
  • Have your medical certificate of no contra-indication to scuba diving
  • Be over 12 years old (parental authorization when it is not the case)
Important information
  • Be able to swim
  • Medical certificate of no contraindication to the practice of scuba diving
  • >12yo
  • Not to be pragnant 
  •  Parental authorization for diver under 18 years old.
Spoken language French
Starting from 480

Tickets sold out.

Please try again in a few days.

Activity location



6 quai Cléopatre, PORT FREJUS

Meeting point

Red boat just near Central Wood Bridge "passerelle in french", in front of icecream NESS and rum bar KOKONUT




Bus stop HERMES

Activity provider : ALPHA BELUGA ITI

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L’équipe est très sympathique, à l’écoute et très professionnelle.

Commenté le 25/07/2022

Le cadre de plongée est magnifique. L’équipe connaît parfaitement les lieux et nous font découvrir l’ensemble de la faune et la flore locale. Aucun problème pour la réservation. Oui je recommande le centre que ce soit pour une plongée récréative ou une formation.


Au top

Commenté le 26/08/2021

Très bonne ambiance et à l’écoute.


Une expérience plaisante, fun et inoubliable !

Commenté le 27/06/2021

Je vous recommande à 2000% ce club. L'ambiance est chaleureuse, positive et décontractée ! Pas de reproches, tout dans le conseil et la bienveillance. C'est sans aucun doute la meilleure expérience que j'ai eu en plongée !

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