Scuba Diving for Beginners - Europlongée

Scuba Diving for Beginners - Europlongée

Set off from the Boulouris Port in Saint-Raphaël and explore the seabed through scuba diving. As a beginner, you will have your initiation into the diving world in the rich waters of the Mediterranean, brimming with beautiful vegetation and a diverse marine life.

Duration : 3 h

  • Water-based activity
  • Activity suitable for adults and children
  • Discover the seabed
  • 20 minutes underwater

On the programme

After you have all of your diving equipment, you will have a briefing on board the boat on the way to the dive site at the Ile d'Or or Ile du Lion de Mer. Then, you'll scuba-dive one-on-one with your instructor and experience the wealth of Mediterranean fauna and flora. 

Diving depths are 6 metres below surface for adults, 3 metres below surface for children 10/14 years old and 2 metres below surface for children aged 8/10 years old.

Good to know

Included in the offer

Instructor and coaching, diving equipment, boat trip to and from the diving site. 

To take with you

Swimming costume, towel, suncream, sunglasses. 

Other info
  • Minors must have parental authorisation
  • After you booked, we will confirm the availability within 24 hours
  • No charges will be taken if the activity is not available
  • Present directly your confirmation with your smartphone
Important information

From 8 years old and above. 

Spoken language French
Starting from
-7% 70
PVC : 75€

Activity location



Port de Boulouris 2170, route de la Corniche 83700 SAINT-RAPHAEL


Stationnement gratuit


Agglobus ligne n°5 - depuis la gare routière de Saint-Raphaël, arrêt "Les Marguerites"

Activity provider : Europlongée

Official website

Partner of local tourist offices

Best Prices

Free of charge and surcharge

Activities tested

By our advisors


100% secured - 3DS2