Meet the dolphins Special Winter

Meet the dolphins Special Winter

Discover from the port of Antibes the cetaceans of the Mediterranean, such as dolphins, whales and other animals during this whale watching.Philippe MAURT, etholgue, filmmaker, doctor of universities, will animateand explain all the life of this cetaceans.

Duration : 1

  • Guaranteed encounter with cetaceans
  • guided tour
  • food and beverage included

On the programme

Depart from Antibes and discover the world's most awe-inspiring cetaceans in the beautiful Mediterranean! Get on a boat and head out to sea until you reach the Pelagos sanctuary, where you can observe these mythical creatures in their natural habitats. Stop dreaming, and start living!

Good to know

Other info

The activity is contingent on favourable weather conditions. 

Important information

Cette activité est adaptée aux personnes présentant un handicap mental ou physique (difficultés à marcher, sourdes et muettes).

Ne convient pas aux personnes à mobilité réduite.

Spoken language French
Starting from 180

Tickets sold out.

Please try again in a few days.

Activity location



SARL Exocet, Quai H. Rambaud Port Vauban 06600 Antibes


Paid parking is available nearby.

Activity provider : NAVIRE MOGUNTIA

Official website

Partner of local tourist offices

Best Prices

Free of charge and surcharge

Activities tested

By our advisors


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