Le Pivert - Axe Throwing - Saint Raphaël

Le Pivert - Axe Throwing - Saint Raphaël

Come and learn how to throw the axe, bring out the soul of your Vikings and Apaches ancestors !!!

Challenge you and your family, your friends or colleagues; From the lumberjack to the princess, from 7 to 77 years old...

  • An unusual sporting activity
  • An intense moment to share
  • Supervised by an instructor
  • Not Dangerous

On the programme

The instuctor will explain to you how to throw the axe in few minutes.

The training phase is really important : our instructors will stay with you for your first throws in order to improve your technique and make sure that you reach the target ! 

After this quick lesson, we will propose you different games so you can challenge you and your friends and have fun.

Are you ready ??? Get your axes !!! Play !!!

Good to know

Included in the offer

Throwing training

Training before the session

Throwing session


Not included in the offer

Drinks taken on site

To take with you

Closed shoes required

Other info

Canceled sessions will be refunded only if they are cancelled at least 24 hours before the date and appointment time.

Important information

Follow the brief training given by the instructor.

Respect the safety instruction

Mandatory smile

Spoken languages English, French
Starting from 10

Tickets sold out.

Please try again in a few days.

Activity location


Le Pivert - L’Usine Concept Store

260 Avenue du Grand Défends, Saint-Raphaël, France


In the street

Activity provider : LE PIVERT

Customer reviews

5 étoiles
4 étoiles
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2 étoiles
1 étoile

Based on 6 Reviews

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Top !

Commenté le 20/07/2023

Oui c'est top ! Formatrice géniale !


Lachez vous

Commenté le 08/07/2023

Rien ne nous a déplu. La petite compétition entre potes; aucune difficulté pour la réservation et la pratique de cette activité Oui je recommande ce loisirs ouvert à tous Enfin un grand merci pour la patience de la gérante qui a bien voulu accepter notre léger retard.


Superbe activitée sur Saint Raphaël

Commenté le 18/05/2023

De passage pour un evg , et avec une météo incertaine, c'est une activitée intérieure vraiment top. C'est très ludique , simple et additif. Bref , ça vaut le détour. Julien

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