Escape game - 1002nd night - Fréjus

Escape game - 1002nd night - Fréjus

Have you heard of the group activity breaking new ground in France? It is called the Escape Game, and in it you will have to rack your brains to solve different enigmas to escape the room.

Duration : 1 h

  • A good idea for any time of year (even in bad weather)
  • The first Live Escape Game in the eastern Var
  • Two different gaming experiences
  • Perfect for family and friends

On the programme

Get ready, get set, go! You have 60 minutes to solve all the enigmas as a group and get out. You will be locked in a room with a certain gaming theme (pirates, knights...), and you will have to use your brainpower and your team spirit to escape as fast as you can.

Good to know

Other info
  • After you booked, we will confirm the availability within 24 hours. 
  • No charges will be taken if the activity is not available.
  • Present directly your confirmation with your smartphone.
Important information

Pour toute réservation, la confirmation du créneau horaire vous sera confirmé sous 12h max (sauf réservation de dernière minute)


Spoken language French
Starting from
-7% 75
PVC : 81€

Tickets sold out.

Please try again in a few days.

Activity location


Active Escape Game

Active Escape 19, Place Dei Doufin 83600 Fréjus


There is free parking available during off-season.


Agglobus, Line 6 (Saint-Raphaël centre towards Fréjus Port)

Activity provider : ACTIVE ESCAPE

Customer reviews

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Très sympa

Commenté le 31/08/2019

Première expérience pour 1 Adulte, et 4 ados avec 3/4 participations à leur actif. On s'est tous bien amusé et passé un très bon moment. L'équipe accueillante et gentille. Heureusement qu'il y a eu des petits coups de pouces (indices) pour nous aider bien que les énigmes ne soient pas (après coup bien sûr !!!) difficiles. On reparticipera l'année prochaine, c'est sur ! Merci à toute l'équipe

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