Destivr Virtual Reality Room - Saint Raphaël

Destivr Virtual Reality Room - Saint Raphaël

Join us on Saint Raphaël and discover a wide variety of experiences, the most sensational of the arcade that you and your team will experience as if you were there. Become the hero of the film and experience situations in total safety that would be far too dangerous and impossible to experience in real life.

  • We offer more than 30 games tested and approved by our teams from a catalog of 400
  • Ideal between friends, families, EVJF / EVG, teambuilding, ...!
  • Total immersion in solo or in cooperation for up to 6 players with the latest HTC VIVE PRO technology.

On the programme

4 SESSIONS OF YOUR CHOICE (during the duration of the session, possibility to switch to several experiences) :

  • 15 minutes session = 10 € / person
  • 30 minutes session = 15 € / person
  • 60 minutes session = 27 € / person
  • Ubisoft Escape Game session for 2 to 6 players = 29 € / person for 60 minutes maximum

BIRTHDAY (4 people minimum) :

  • Formula 1: 1 hour (25 € / person)
  • Formula 2: 1 hour with sweets and drinks (32 € / person)
  • Formula 3: 2 hours with sweets and drinks (50 € / person)


To please every time, offer a DESTIVR Gift Card !

You can offer:

[A] 15 Minute Session: € 10

[B] 30-minute session: € 15

[C] Session of 1 Hour: 27 €

[D] 30 Min VIP Card: 5 sessions of 30 Min for € 66 instead of € 75.

[E] 60 Min VIP Card: 5 sessions of 60 Min for 118 € instead of 135 €.

Good to know

Included in the offer
  • Safety briefing.
Other info
  • Virtual Reality experiences are not recommended :
  • To pregnant women
  • To people with heart problems, neuropsychiatric
  • People with epilepsy
  • For people sensitive to motion sickness
  • Any behavior that could harm the safety of people or equipment is prohibited,
  • Destivr staff therefore reserves the right to interrupt any session in progress in the event of non-compliance with one of these rules. or real estate due to non-compliance with safety rules, may engage the civil liability of the person who caused the damage or damage. (if no insurance: whoever breaks pays ☺ !!). Destivr staff reserve the right to prohibit access to the Virtual Reality room and equipment to persons visibly under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Destivr cannot be held responsible in the event of loss, theft or damage to personal effects within the company. Food and drink are not permitted inside the Experimental Areas.
Important information
  • Minimum 10 years old
  • -12 years old must be accompanied with an adult
  • Arrive 5 minutes before the start of the reservation.
Spoken language French
Starting from 10

Tickets sold out.

Please try again in a few days.

Activity location



207 Rue Joseph Pierrugues, Saint-Raphaël, France


2 car park around


3 minutes by walking frm the bus and train station SNCF of Saint Raphaël

Activity provider : DESTIVR

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Au top

Commenté le 29/12/2021

Encore une fois on a passé un bon moment !! on reviendra

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Activities tested

By our advisors


100% secured - 3DS2