Multi-pitch full day climbing

Multi-pitch full day climbing

The practice of the multi-pitch route in the Calanques is unforgettable but you would like to be accompanied on this adventure. I will make you discover this magnificent playground. We will choose together a route adapted to your level.

Duration : 6 h

  • Privatized session
  • Adaptable according to your objectives
  • Group rate
  • from 15 years old

On the programme

Supervision for two people maximum.

Learning progression techniques in multi-pitch, support and training towards autonomy.

Good to know

Included in the offer

Climbing gear, except shoes

Supervision by a qualified instructor

Not included in the offer


To take with you

1.5l of water minimum per person

Other info

The outing may be postponed depending on weather conditions

Spoken languages English, French
Starting from 300

Activity location


Guillaume MOTTET

50 Avenue des Calanques, 13260 Cassis, France

Meeting point

The meeting point is at the parking of "Port Pin" calanque in Cassis.


Small free parking


I can pick you up at the bus station or at the Cassis train station.

Activity provider : Escalade Provence

Official website

Partner of local tourist offices

Best Prices

Free of charge and surcharge

Activities tested

By our advisors


100% secured - 3DS2