Initiation session - baby pony

Initiation session - baby pony

Initiation session baby pony :

First contact with the pony and grooming, pony sessions with motricity exercises and games followed by a short stroll in the forest.

Depending on the school period, theme activity.

From 2 to 5 years old, bring a snack and drink

Duration : 0 h 30

  • French riding school
  • State-certified instructor, with more than 10 years of experience
  • Cavalry labelled "leisure activities"
  • Family and friendly atmosphere

On the programme

Discovery of the pony, for the youngest ones.

On the program :

- First approach of the pony and grooming, pony sessions with motricity exercises and then games followed by a short stroll in the forest.

Depending on the school period, themed activities.

From 2 to 5 years old,

- parents are welcome to accompany the children with the instructor if they wish.

Good to know

Not included in the offer

Drinks and snacks

To take with you

Bring drinks and a snack for your child

Other info
  • Don't forget to bring the snacks
  • After you booked, we will confirm the availability within 24 hours
  • No charges will be taken if the activity is not available
  • Present directly your confirmation with your smartphone
Spoken languages English, French, Italian
Starting from 15

Tickets sold out.

Please try again in a few days.

Activity location


Haras des villards

1650 Chemin des Villards, Callian, France

Meeting point

at the roundabout of the farmers' market, take the direction of Bagnols en forêt, follow the road and turn left at the Haras des Villards sign, continue the small road in the forest and you will arrive to the destination shortly



Activity provider : Haras des Villards

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Balade au top pour les petits !!

Commenté le 20/08/2019

Accueil chaleureux et sympathique. Personnel agréable et à l’écoute. La monitrice avait l’habitude des tous petits et c’est un plus. Je recommande sans hésiter! Notre petite fille de 2 ans a passé un super moment!

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