Intensive Aqua Bike

Intensive Aqua Bike

Allows you to reshape and refine your figure. Due to the resistance of the water, this sport strengthens the muscles more than cycling on land. This sport provides an intense hydromassage of the thighs. Intense 30 minute course.

Duration :

  • The benefits of "classic" cycling, with less strain and less soreness the next day
  • Joint-friendly sport
  • The aquatic pedalling movements target all the lower limbs muscles
  • Allows an effective action against cellulite and orange peel skin

On the programme

Aquabiking works your cardiac endurance by pedalling in the water and performing multiple positions on an aquatic bike. Muscle your legs and enjoy the hydromassage on your skin, thanks to aquatic pedalling. These dynamic and regular movements allow muscle relaxation and accentuate lymphatic drainage. 

Let yourself be guided by the coach and the sound of the music to activate your thighs and buttocks muscles.

The course is held in French and English only

Good to know

To take with you

Pool gear, optional : water shoes for foot comfort in the pedals 

Other info

Access is available 10 minutes before the course starts. 

Important information

Open to all, men and women from 18 years of age. 

Spoken languages English, French
Starting from 11

Tickets sold out.

Please try again in a few days.

Activity location



Centre Nautique Aquavallées, Rue Principale, Bassemberg, Frankreich

Activity provider : Aquavallées

Official website

Partner of local tourist offices

Best Prices

Free of charge and surcharge

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