Gentle Aquarobics

Gentle Aquarobics

Gentle aquarobics combine the benefits of gentle gymnastics with the regenerative and relaxing properties of water. Water reduces gravity and allows you to move and stretch without awkwardness or discomfort, but it also helps to build muscle efficiently, because of its greater resistance than air.

Duration :

  • Gentle muscle strengthening
  • Mobilisation of the deep muscles by working on balance
  • Looking for a greater range of motion
  • Relaxation of muscles and joints

On the programme

In a heated pool, the body is lighter and immersed in water, which facilitates movements and allows for more extensive and effective relaxation. The content of the sessions is centred on the active and passive mobilisation of all the joints, aiming at the recruitment of the deep and peripheral muscles.


The movements will be carried out with adapted and systematic breathing in order to harmonise the whole movement.


Groupings in pairs can be carried out: for example, one person lies down with a pool noodle under the head and another stands up pulling the legs and makes the person oscillate in the water in order to gently mobilise the spine.

The course is in French and English only

Good to know

To take with you

Swimming pool stuff

Other info

Access possible 10 minutes before the course starts.

Important information

Open to all men and women. Activities primarily adapted for seniors and people recovering from illness.

Spoken languages English, French
Starting from 7

Tickets sold out.

Please try again in a few days.

Activity location



Centre Nautique Aquavallées, Rue Principale, Bassemberg, France

Activity provider : Aquavallées

Official website

Partner of local tourist offices

Best Prices

Free of charge and surcharge

Activities tested

By our advisors


100% secured - 3DS2