Aqua Cardio

Aqua Cardio

This is a predominantly cardiovascular activity. Rhythmic and complete, the objective is to boost your energy.

Duration :

  • Maintain your health capital
  • Tone, firm and reshape the body
  • Improving your cardiac capacity

On the programme

Rhythmic activity for a more athletic audience, fun and complete, boosting cardiovascular endurance. Techniques of movement sequences calling upon coordination while combining equipment and exercises for the upper and lower body, making it possible to obtain results on the silhouette: boosting one's tone.

The course is held in French and English only

Good to know

To take with you

Swimming pool stuff 

Other info

Access possible 10 minutes before the course starts.

Important information

Open to all, men and women from 18 years of age up to seniors. 

Spoken languages English, French
Starting from 7

Tickets sold out.

Please try again in a few days.

Activity location



Centre Nautique Aquavallées, Rue Principale, Bassemberg, Frankreich

Activity provider : Aquavallées

Official website

Partner of local tourist offices

Best Prices

Free of charge and surcharge

Activities tested

By our advisors


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