Walking under the stars in the Mercantour

Walking under the stars in the Mercantour

This unusual walk will be an opportunity to discover night-time hiking in the heart of the Mercantour mountains, and to enjoy an exceptional night sky, labelled "International Dark Sky Reserve".

Duration : 3 h

  • An unusual night walk in the heart of the Mercantour
  • A night sky of exceptional quality (labelled International Dark Sky Reserve)
  • Astronomical anecdotes and comments on observable celestial objects
  • Mercantour specialized guide, astronomy animator
  • "National Park Spirit" label

On the programme

This unusual walk is an opportunity to discover the mountains by night, in a wild and preserved environment in the heart of the Mercantour massif.

Accompanied by a state-qualified guide, partner of the Mercantour National Park, you will discover the celestial vault with the naked eye in exceptional observation conditions: the site is labelled International Dark Sky Reserve, and more than 3000 stars are visible on moonless nights.

As an astronomy instructor, on the evening of our excursion I will describe the celestial objects and tell you some anecdotes about the great discoveries of this fascinating science: how did we know that the Earth is round, how do the stars work, what sky did our ancestors see, why is the night dark..

Good to know

To take with you

Warm hiking clothes are essential: good walking shoes, thick hiking trousers, waterproof jacket, several layers, gloves and hat recommended, water or hot drink and snacks.Headlamp (can be lent on request).

Other info

Warm hiking cloths are essential

Spoken language French
Starting from 30

Tickets sold out.

Please try again in a few days.

Activity location


Marc Aynié / Allos Tourism Office

Rue Pl. du Pré de Foire, 04260 Allos, France

Meeting point

Take the D908 up towards La Foux d'Allos. In Allos, pass the Carrefour Contact. When you reach the restaurant "Le Pradas" and the bus stop, turn left. The office is opposite to the Crédit Agricole.


Jésus public parking, next to the Tourist Office, at the start of the Seignus cableway (les Guinands)


Bus stop (wooden chalet) 50m from the Tourist Office

Activity provider : RANDO TERRES D'AZUR

Official website

Partner of local tourist offices

Best Prices

Free of charge and surcharge

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