Theme hike: Man and the Wolf

Theme hike: Man and the Wolf

The wolf is the animal symbol of the wild world: domesticated a long time ago by man, ancestor of all the current dogs, cunning and prudent hunter, it fascinates as much as it arouses fear. I take you on a journey to discover this emblematic animal.

Duration : 2 h

  • Easy walk in the heart of the Mercantour, for the whole family
  • Naturalist guide to tell you the story of this mythical animal
  • Journey on the territory of the wolf
  • Hiking Labelled "National Park Spirit".

On the programme

Back from Italy through the Mercantour, I propose you to accompany me for a walk in this wild massif, on the tracks of this mysterious and often misunderstood animal.

Between tales and legends and proven facts, we will try to disentangle what is fantasy and reality by going closer to him, on his territory; how did the wolf evolve with men?

What is its current and past impact on livestock herds? how is a pack organized, what territory does it control? Natural return or reintroduction?

Where can we find it in France and in Europe ? Is it dangerous for humans?

We will try to find the clues of its presence during our outing while being interested in the animals that cohabit in this exceptional natural space that is the Mercantour: chamois, ibex, marmots, vultures and eagles...

And even if we have few chances to see it, you will be able, at the end of our escapade in mountain, to make you an enlightened opinion thanks to a better understanding of this extraordinary animal.

Good to know

To take with you

Hiking gear : good walking shoes, thick hiking pants, waterproof jacket, hat and sunglasses, water or hot drink and snacks.

Binoculars are advised.

Other info

Hiking clothes.

Plan a 15-minute drive from the meeting point (carpooling possible).

Spoken language French
Starting from 20

Tickets sold out.

Please try again in a few days.

Activity location


Marc Aynié / Office du Tourisme d'Allos

Rue Pl. du Pré de Foire, 04260 Allos, France

Meeting point

Take the D908 up to Foux d'Allos. In Allos, pass the Carrefour Contact. When you reach the restaurant "Le Pradas" and the bus stop, turn left. The office is in front of the Crédit Agricole.


Jésus public parking lot, next to the Tourist Office, at the departure of the Seignus cable car (les Guinands)


Bus stop (wooden chalet) at 50m from the Tourist Office

Activity provider : RANDO TERRES D'AZUR

Official website

Partner of local tourist offices

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Free of charge and surcharge

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